Beautiful stripy cat behaving like a tiger, colorful, vibrant, cute, very fluffy, photo

Stable Diffusion v1.4 with webui, text to image prompt ‘beautiful stripy cat behaving like a tiger, colorful, vibrant, cute, very fluffy, photo’.  Seed 3013555706, Classifier Free Guidance Scale 2.5, sampling steps 250. Sampler: k_lms.  This image has also been fed through the esrgan for a 4 x size. This highlights an interesting point: although you can change the resolution of the images generated by the stable diffusion net, it’s far easier to use another network to upscale the image afterwards. You can see here that this process is highly successful.

Old-Fashioned Yellow Motorcycle

Stable Diffusion v1.4 with webui, text to image prompt ‘old-fashioned yellow motorcycle’.  Seed 42. Classifier Free Guidance Scale 15, sampling steps 102. Sampler: k_dpm_2, curated image from thirteen. 704*512 px. It’s interesting that the generator stuck with the yellow theme throughout and this was represented in all the sample images.

Cute, but very smelly dog

Stable Diffusion v1.4 with webui, text to image prompt ‘Cute, but very smelly dog’.  Seed 81002952 for the good & 231295628 for the bad, Classifier Free Guidance Scale 7.5 for the good and -37.5 for the bad, sampling steps 50. Sampler: k_lms.  This post demonstrates why giving the classifier more scope to wander away from the prompt is not beneficial in most cases!

Tiger submarine

Stable Diffusion v1.4 with webui, text to image prompt ‘tiger submarine’.  seed 1, classifier free guidance scale 9, sampling steps 82, sampling method LMS. Curated best and worst results from 50 image samples. Of course, ‘best’ and ‘worst’ is subjective, but this is a great example of the wide range of images that Stable diffusion will generate!

It is only fair (thanks Rob) to consider ‘submarine tiger’ too as the first image is clearly this rather than the original prompt, so let’s see what difference it makes. Spoiler alert – none of the set of fifty images contain any tigers!

This has a tiny hint if tiger stripes
This seems a lot more like am armoured hovercraft with penis canons on the front. Just saying what I see!