Week 2 Progress

Okay, week 2 progress report: the postings may have slowed a bit, but the work has not: during the first week, there was little non-build stuff for me to get on with, and therefore after it got too late each eve for power tools, there was time to make posts 😉

This last week, I’ve had panel designs on my mind and product choices for the switches, so I’ve been active with the Maplin catalogue and with Visio.

Construction progress: Breifly, mechanical construction is probably past 50% now (By effort! rather than by weight…)
The base of the front windshield is cut out and attached: this gives the final shape for the electronics bay top.

The electronics bay is 75% complete. Some stringers are missing. This work is suspended whilst other works are done (It’s now not possible to turn the sim without dismantling.

Week 2 Progress

    Electronics Bay cabinet taking shape

    All internal panels fitted

    Panel paper-mockups fitted

    Joystick/Throttle ordered

    Switch Scan equipment ordered

    Final panel design reaches 20%

    Door catches fitted

Week 3 Targets

(Mainly cockpit internals)

    Finish top edge ready for trim

    Aquire internal trim (vinyl and carpet)

    Carpet floor/Walls, vinyl panels

    Mark MDF panels and cut-out

    Mark Perpex and cut-out

    Design Hoops for canopy/screen/headrest

    Magnetic catches for EB door

    Joystck/Throttle fitting

Skinning has been a complete nightmare: I was going to use hardboard but it’s really been annoying me this Weekend: The blimmin stuff just does not play ball!

Now I’m thinking about aluminum: Yes I know this sounds silly but the reclaim from a panel sided van would be ideal for this. I’ll start phoning breakers. Obviously I’ll be relying on screws to fit: bonding ally to wood is probably a hard task!

The Gallery has Visio screenshots for the internal panels (As at version 0.1). I’m trying to cover every Sim I can think of. Now trhat I’m using the Gamma Ray rather than the EPIC, I’ve got 256 Switches to play with if needed.