Diceware Generator

You can do a lot worse that generate passwords using Diceware. This generator is a pretty rudimentary one. Default parameters are to produce five diceware words, but you can use other numbers and other params – try stuffing ?help on the end. The generator is here.

Note: When you use the above generator the diceware phrase is generated on my server, so you obviously should not use it for anything important. I also can’t vouch for the entropy source and there have been issues with the PHP RNG before. You have been warned!

You can also find a version here that runs at your end, but unless you can be botherd to read the source javascript, is it really any more secure? On the plus side, as it’s running at your end, it doesn’t have the same size limit! Knock yourself out!

If you do want to generate passwords online, here is a much more secure implementation than mine!

ChatGPT wrote both the PHP and the Javascript versions – pretty neat! If you are really nerdy, you can grab the wordlist as a JSON file.

diceware generator output

Whitespace and silly trinary numbers

There are some really esoteric programming languages out there. Check out the list on Wikipedia here.

One that has always caught my imagination is Whitespace. Essentially it is a fully functional programming language where only the whitespace characters, Space, Tab, Carriage and Line Feed are permitted.

It means that a Whitespace program can be hidden in the source code of a regular program where that program ignores whitespace (most do!)

It does mean that with a 3 bits system we could also use the trinary system to encode and decode text, so that’s what we introduce here!

It’s stupid impractical for real steganographic use and don’t expect complicated online help or even a GUI 😉

A three bit encoding system does also mean that for the ASCII character set, we need 24 trinary bits per three characters , which makes a lot of whitespace!

Here is an example:

















