Protective Marking Bingo Generator

The UK government is famous for strange and hard to understand protective marking systems.

The Government Protective Marking Scheme (GPMS) gave way to the Government Security Classification (GSC) in 2013.

At first blush, the reduction from six classifications to just three seemed like a good move.  But they added caveats and handling instructions and sub-classifications, so that the OFFICIAL tier actually dissolved into a series of winces, shrugs and head-scratching when considering applicable security controls.

In honour of the tenth anniversary of the introduction of the GSC (which, by the way, some government departments and arms length bodies have still not implemented),  I present to you the Protective Marking Bingo Generator.

Conspiracy Theory Generator

Some people will believe anything, literally anything.  People so stupid, it is amazing that they remember to breathe. Sadly, they do still seem to be able to pass the procreation practical exam.

Just in case you know just such a person who believes that the world is flat, or that man has not walked on the moon, here I offer you a conspiracy theory generator

Obviously, it generates utter bollocks, but you could probably sell these to a newspaper or even hook in a flat earther long enough to delay them reproducing.

Huntsman Defence Grade Security Information and Event Management

Chuckles Today. SIEM provider Huntsman are still shipping software agents with the two year old log4j vulnerabilities, meaning that your overall inherent risk position is *worse* with their solution that not bothering at all. Huntsman response when you ask them why they are shipping critically vulnerable softweare is to say that it’s not exploitable. Oh, that’s okay then, as long as vendors make ‘not vulnerable’ claims, then the whole world is safe again. Customers should ask them if they will indemnify losses incurred if they do get exploited and then see how long it takes Hunstmans to ship code without 2 year old CRITICAL vulnerabilities 😉

Rule #1: Huntsman Defence Grade Security Information and Event Management: Not defence grade, not secure, doesn’t raise events about it’s own issues, doesn’t provide information about it’s own issues. Not much left in that product name after fixing the violations: “Huntsman mm m mm m m mm m ‘.


can you invent a new verse for Puff the magic where jackie dies and puff goes to the funeral?


With heavy hearts and tearful eyes, they bid their last goodbye, For Jackie, dear, had reached the end, beneath the golden sky. Puff, now filled with sorrow deep, his faithful friend no more, A void that only love can heal, a pain he's never felt before.

But in the darkest hour's embrace, a magic spark did gleam, For friendship's bond, though tested true, can conquer loss, it seems. In solemn steps, with mournful sighs, to the funeral he flew, To pay his respects, one final time, bidding farewell to the boy he knew.

The world stood still as Puff arrived, his presence pure and strong, He shared his grief with all who wept, together they'd belong. And as they laid Jackie to rest, 'neath the willow tree, Puff's loving roar filled the air, a tribute for eternity.

Though Jackie's gone, their love lives on, in memories they keep, Through laughter shared and dreams once dreamed, a bond that's still so deep. With each new dawn, Puff sails the skies, his heart forever blessed, For in the tale of Jackie Paper, Puff found peace and love's caress.

Pretty Neat!