JK has the Last Laugh?

Today I used my favorite file sharing network to try find the new HP book. It was the News hype that forced me into it. All this talk of security for the Lauch of book 5 got me interested in seeing if the ‘net had copies floating about.

Purely in the interests of science I therefore dutifully logged on and started looking for files with the ‘Order of the Phoenix’ Title. About 20 different versions turned up. What the Hell, I tagged them all and went off for din dins.

A few minutes later (I’m a fast eater and rather an animal at the table), I’m back at the keyboard and most of the files have finished. Dump the Sharing tool, Raise the Firewall and relax to start reading.

An initial skim through the files got rid of about half of them: Ripped versions of JK’s earlier books with the title changed (Doh). Interesting that they were so easy to grab though.

Two more dumped as obvious rubbish: far too short and riddled with inconsistencies in grammar (and I’m no expert!)

This leaves 3 texts which in preview all look identical. Cool, all power to the information ages thinks I. As the three versions were all different formats (One Text, One PDF, One Word), I elect to start on the real mens version and make a start with vi.

I got sucked in, as you do, and after about 10 minutes, there are some odd things happening. I can’t really define odd in any detail, something just didn’t feel right. I start skimming rather than reading now and am looking at the story texture rather than the words themselves. Eventually it grabbed me: it’s a bit flat.

Somehow the narration and the dialog seem a tiny bit two dimensional, sort of like reading a translation. Surprised, I begin to skim through the book. The story is excellent: the dramatic twists are smart, the plot plausible and the characters seem to behave in familiar fashions. There are even tiny undertones of adult subjects, just like in the other HP books.

My initial guess was that this was an early draft or OCR’d rip and that the editor had done so much correction that much of the tapestry was lost, so I went over to the .doc version. No fruit here, obviously from an identical source as everything was word perfect (Except the file format, smirk), even the double spaces etc.

Over to the final undiscarded version and in this one, being PDF, there was more MetaData. Mainly I mean that there was a website listed at the top, http://hpfanfiction.net/books/book5/. ‘bit blatant’ thinks I: ‘Don’t advertise your rip site, you’ll get in trouble!’ CLICK goes I and all is clear: I’ve been had!

I know you’re probably not surprised, probably been shouting this at me while reading this article, but I was flumoxed. It transpires than an enterprising HP Fan site has got so bored waiting for JK to write these books that they’ve taken matters into their own hands and darn well written their own!

All in all these are really clever works: I’m pretty sure that if you gave one to little johnny, he’d be hard pushed to tell it apart and would keenly devour it.

The website makes all clear: the guy has a forum where poeple can discuss suggested storylines and the final product is the sensible median ground of these musings. Output rate is better than the real authoress though as book 6 is complete too! [ed: actually, JK has already finished the final book: it’s all about market control though!]

Of course this only serves to hype the real book for me even more now: I want the chance to compare story lines and see if hive mind or richest woman write the best story.

Check it out for yourself, I think you’ll understand how I got suckerd!

As a footnote, I really could not find a _real_ version of JKR’s new work. Frankly I’m really surprised. I’m tempted to queue in Crawley just so I can get something from a shop that can be bought BEFORE it hits’ the Net!

Hopefully Lightning Never Strikes Twice

The TurboTas site was affected by lightning today and not a nice experience was it!

Some weeks ago the the UPS failed its battery test. I had removed it from service pending an engineer test soon.

At about 15:00 I’m told a huge lightning flash was heard and felt. I’ve not yet worked out how close it landed but I’m told flash and sound were indistinguishable in timing (not particularly scientific, I know!)

Of 10 hosts we have this condition: The primary server stayed up. One 10 Meg Hub port fired. One DSL Hub Port fried. Main Firewall Lost 3 (Yes 3!) Nics including it’s internal one. Two servers locked up solid but power cycling fixed.

Luckily, all was repaired reasonably fast: the firewall is a diskless jobbie running on an old PC and I just happened to have a spare box and a heap of those ubiquitous NICs whose name I don’t need to mention!

The Hub will be skipped, it was only a cruddy 10 meg jobbie, plenty more around. The remaining problem, The DSL based hub is harder to overcome: the unit still seems to work minus the one port. Although it’s less than 6 months old, I think I’ll stick with it: Luckily the built in hub is not critical and I don’t want to be connectionless!

Needless to say, I’ll look to get either the UPS or a proper filter installed soon as, just in case lightning does strike twice!

The Ultimate in Environmentally Friendly Computing?

Possibly the most odd case design you will ever see. This beast is actually made out of cardboard!

Unsurprisingly, it arrives as a flatpack and the assembly looks like it may take a few frustrating hours! From the pictures it looks like this is a glue free process though so all you have to watch out for is stray coffee cups and Paper cuts!

Hardware is attached to the case by way of small clips. Presumably the finished case can be completed to your own specifications using paint, markers, papier mache etc 😉

It’s not clear from the accompanying text if this is a big april fools joke, but the attention to detail does indicate that this case does really exist and you can buy it.

On the plus side it would certainly make things a lot lighter so it would be far more feasible to attend those lan parties.

Sending the thing would also be a doddle: Brown tape over the orifices and write an address on the top 😉

Alas, there are some downsides: Think of the risk of paper cuts whilst upgrading.

Also it would no longer be too smart to stick coffee cups on the top of the PC!

For those amongst you hell-bent on running flogging 466 Celerons at 1.2 Gigs, there may be a very real fire risk 😉

If you now have your heart set on one of these, check out the source below. Beware, it’s not English!

Whatever next? TurboTas can think of some distinct advanges to Cardborad motherboards, Hard Discs and Ram. It would be nice to try a cardboard keyboard: At least it will do less damage when slung out of the window in frustration 😉

Source: lupo.co.jp

New Themes Available

Wow, Some super new themes are now available. As of yet they are not all edited for optimum English, but shout if your favorite one is not right.

Dezina is so good, I’ve made it the new site default. Let me know what you think. The new ones are Dezina, norwich, seriartnukeblue, EYellow and Chama.

Don’t forget to vote if you think they stink!

Rubiks Cube on Speed?

If, like me, you found the best way to solve the Rubiks cube was by prising off a corner, best read no further.

The latest craze (?) is to attempt to solve a 4D version of the famous puzzle.

Basically a bunch of mathematicians and programmers have got together (always a bad sign) and come up with a computer sim (Windows and Linux) which lets you try to solve the 4D version.

Apparently there are more permutations than there are atoms in the universe. Despite these extra possibilities, the 4D cube is said to be not much more complex then the 3D version for those that mastered it.

I don’t know about that: assuming I could prise a corner off a 4D cube, I reckon there would definitely be bits left over afterwards!

source: www.superliminal.com

More Delays For Mars Rover

As the ESA ‘Mars Express’ passed 1,000,000km from the Earth, the first of the NASA backed Mars Rovers is still Earthbound after thunderstorms surround the launch site.

‘Spirit’ and ‘Opportunity’ are scheduled to arrive in January 2004. Each is a golf cart sized explorer specifically designed to examine the geology for past evidence of water.

The end of this year is set to be busy for Mars: Beagle II should arrive at Christmas aboard the Mars Express.

Mars Express and the NASA MER mission have not coincided by chance: A rare proximity between Mars and Earth means more payload and faster transit: the typical journey is down from 9 months to 7.

Both missions also share the same planetfall approach: Airbags. Although it sounds risky its a proven technique and significantly reduces the mass of the landing system.

Sources: ESA Mars Express, Nasa MER

DVD Lending Library

The DVD Lending database for Horley/Crawley is up and running. Presently it has around 150 movies recorded. Try guest/guest to take a peek.Participants enter the details for their own DVD’s and have access to the lists of the others via search and browse facilities.

Using the Reserve/Borrow facility results in an email to the owner asking to lend the media to the borrower. The database also takes care of reminders and stats etc.

If you’d like to participate in this clever scheme, just drop me an email and I’ll set you up. You need to know me personally or work for the same company to be able to take part: implicit trust is required for the scheme to work!

May 5th 2003 – Security Fixes

New Today:


Of these, MySQL is the one to watch: It fixes both a denial of service problem and a root exploit. The man vulnerability is a minor one and is not so important, particularly if no login accounts exist on the box.

Who is Wgeting TurboTas?

On Thursday 1st May, odd log entries were noted on the TurboTas web site. Most strange: with only 10 registered users and 20 posted articles, mirroring the website every 15 minutes
seems a bit overboard.Nevertheless, some plum is WGET’ing the whole site every few minutes and has been doing so for 5 days now.

As the traffic is small, I’ve been bemused to see what would happen. Alas, no phone calls or emails from people loving the site and wanting to buy it for squillions. Today therefore I decided to dig a bit further.

Stats have been on the list of things to do, so I did this first using awstats See Links. Next I used half a days stats to get a feel for the bandwidth this mirror was causing. It works out to quite a few megs:around 14 megs per day.

I figure that it’s one of you guys rather than something deliberately intended to leech the bandwidth:14 megs is pretty hopeless as an attack profile.

Next job was to identify the source.
Okay. The source address is A quick squint at the other stuff on the subnet shows us someone who doesn’t work in IT (HP switch, hah!).

I’ve left the IP address unfiltered as analysing these problems is really interesting.

Stay tuned for the next installment!

New Packages Releases


Of These Zlib is the one to watch: the last zlib bug was really nasty and it’s really easy to forget how easy it is for a would be attacker to pass data to zlib: http, email, images. the list is long

May Day Militants to cause chaos in echoes of 2001?

riseup.net are reporting more anti-capitalist mayhem planned for this bank holiday weekend. This year the proceedings have unsurprisingly taken an anti-war slant.

The web site has posted the registered addresses in London for many of the major Defence companies operating in Europe.Think about taking some electronic precautions this weekend or have some extra monitoring in place: Worms and Viruses are often timed around organised chaos events.At least check for virus updates more regularly and for unusual gateway activity.

Some anarchy related sites have recently gone offline, so perhaps agency moves are afoot.

So far (oddly), riseup.net is still online. Checkout if you might be affected: riseup.net.

TurboTas Site Changes

Lots of changes here at the TurboTas site. Firstly the SSL site now works properly and has a proper Certificate and Chain. This should minimize security warnings.In fact, the non-SSL site is deprecated to further improve security.

MAES is now deprecated, see the original link for details of getting the new access. Otto, it’s replacement supports only download (No streaming), but the database is faster and the front end is much slicker. This change has been carried out as MAES no longer meets my own needs.

HTML cleanups carried out, modules tidied up a bit and spurious old content removed.

Let me know what you think of the changes or if you need access to the authenticated area’s.

Preliminary Columbia Results Published

The preliminary reccomendations following the loss of the shuttle Columbia have been published at the official accident investigation site (see links). Tragically, it seems that complacency may be creeping back in at NASA: one possible cause, falling foam, has affected many previous flights.There are two basic changes recommended by the CAIB, namely that Shuttle Imaging on Orbit be a standard feature (bearing in mind that the US government have this ability, and that it’s rarely used). This facility is intended to be able to assess the condition of the orbiter after ascent.

Secondly that the examination of Reinforced Carbon-Carbon (RCC) components be made a comprehensive one to include all possible forms of non-destructive testing. This is in response to the most likely reason for the loss of the orbiter: that of failure of a structural RCC component in the leading edge of the left wing.

There is as yet no final verdict on the root cause of the RCC component failure: Much speculation exists with present favorite being either pre-existing damage not spotted by inspection or a strike from other material (foam from the tank for example).

The leading edge components are extremely complex and have many layers and treatments. If the thermal protection the RCC parts provide is breached, even in a small way, a super heated air stream can enter the wing and burn the structural aluminium components.

Office 2000 Licence Guffaw

Microsoft has had to come clean and admit that the registration problem is actually an error in code intended to prevent registration.

This is the interesting bit: Office 2000 has code to prevent registration after April 15 2003. This is to ‘help’ you decide to upgrade/buy the next version.

The chukle here is that this code is bust and the registration box won’t go away, eventually culminating in ‘reduced functionality’. I can’t wait..
source: The Register

Logout Function Located

The site logout function, which was lost after a recent section spring-clean has been found!

It was located from the inside of the settee with two toffees, 5 centimes and two remote controls.

It’s now back in it’s rightful place at the right of the main screen.

AOL Wakes Up And Sues Spammers

AOL has begun a $10M lawsuit against a dozen individuals and companies.

This could be an interesting development. General estimates suggest that AOL accounts could be responsible for as much as 20% of the Western worlds spam problem.

In this case, AOL says that these lawsuits address 8 million complaints about an estimated 1 billion pieces of spam.

Caffeinated Soap

No joke!
Do you find yourself all in a rush? Can’t find time for a shower and a coffee in the morning? Do both!

200 milligrams of caffeine delivered through the skin while you wash. Each bar lasts for 12 washes and delivers 200mg caffeine each wash.

Get your Shower-Shock soap at Thinkgeek.com

Human Genome Project Complete

Scientists in the six cooperating countries, UK, USA, China, Japan, France and Germany, announced today that the mapping of the 3 billion base pair Human Genome is now essentially complete.

This marks the polishing of the data first published in rough form in 2001 (And carried on the Turbotas site in the Gutenberg archives).2003 is a fitting year to mark the completion of the human genome mapping which was begun in 1990.

It was 50 years ago that the DNS double helix was originally announced.

It was Saturday Februray 28th when Francis Crick and James Watson announced there discovery in the inauspicious surroundings of a public house in Cambridge.