DVD Lending Library

Great news! The DVD Lending database for Horley/Crawley is now fully operational, boasting approximately 150 recorded movies. If you’re curious to explore the database, you can use the guest/guest login credentials for a sneak peek.

Participants in the scheme can enter the details of their own DVDs into the database, and they can access the lists of others through search and browse functionalities. One of the highlights of the system is the Reserve/Borrow feature, which sends an email to the DVD owner, requesting to lend the media to the borrower.

Moreover, the database takes care of reminders and provides statistics to facilitate smooth operation. To join this clever lending scheme, simply send an email to the site administrator, and they will set up an account for you. Participation requires personal acquaintance with the administrator or being part of the same company to ensure implicit trust, which is essential for the scheme’s success.

It’s an innovative and convenient way to share DVDs among trusted individuals, making movie nights even more enjoyable and collaborative. If you meet the criteria and are interested in taking part, don’t hesitate to drop an email and get involved in this fantastic initiative!